*Photos will be signed by an individual who is not John Stamos, has no relation to Mr. Stamos, and does not
bear any particular physical resemblance to the celebrity in question (the aforementioned John S.)
Check out some of the RAVE REVIEWS we got from our day in Christie Pits Park:
"Why is this happening?"
-Numerous people
"I'm not sure I get it, but I like signed photos of John Stamos."
-Some girl
"We don't trust things that are free. We're cynical."
-The couple that kept walking
"If I was any happier I'd explode!"
-Some guy
"Would you like to split a Molson?"
-The friendly hippie-looking dude that didn't stop, but then came back later for lemonade
"Just a moment, mommy's very excited right now."
A woman (directed at her attention-seeking child)
Having achieved such a success, it's only a matter of time before we receive the Norwegian Prize for Excellence in Diplomatic Relations!